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HomeRide Information
Please plan to arrive 15-20 minutes prior to the start time. All rides (weekly and weekend) start at 8:30, except as may be noted for a specific ride. Rides average two hours for 30 miles, plus or minus both time and distance depending on the ride leader and group preference. Rides include water breaks as needed and a short rest break. Check the Event calendar for specific information on the rides.

Inclement weather. Always check the ride listing before leaving for the ride. Leaders have the discretion to cancel or delay the start of a ride due to inclement weather or other unexpected conditions. In addition, the leader may, upon arriving at the start location, determine that riding conditions are unsafe and cancel the ride.

Helmets are required, headsets are prohibited, and please carry identification and emergency contact information.

Tuesday/Thursday Rides

A Ride Starter is generally available to open the ride with a Welcome statement and introduction of any non-members and new members. The Starter will ask if there are any announcements, such as club events or other items of interest to the members.  Safety reminders will be made and then groups will be asked to separate by speed into separate areas of the parking lot.  Each group identifies their own leader and discusses, as necessary, speed, distance, route.  Groups disburse by the fastest first in descending order down to the leisure group.

Note:  There is no guarantee that all ride speeds will be represented. Members are encouraged to check with known leaders as to whether they will be available to lead.

Pace Levels


Fast 18 +
Fast 17-18
Energetic 16-17
Moderate 15-16
Easy 14-15
Leisure 12-14

Distances 15-35 miles

Report potholes and debris:

 State roads  (941) 708-4400
 Charlotte County  (941) 575-3600
 Sarasota County  (941) 861-5000
 City of Venice  (941) 486-2422

CCBC Sunshine


If you are aware of any member who should be remembered with a CCBC card or personal contact, please contact Susan Read,