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The Coastal Cruisers Bicycle Club has been in existence for over thirty years and enjoys a membership today of well over the 350 mark. Year round we celebrate the joy of safe bicycling.We welcome all road bicycles, including tandems, recumbents, trikes, and Class 1 & 3 (no throttle) e-bikes. Our speed groups range from 12-13 mph up to 20+ mph. Our rides generally extend throughout Sarasota and Charlotte Counties, including the communities of Venice, Sarasota, North Port, Port Charlotte, Rotonda, Englewood, Nokomis, Punta Gorda, and Boca Grande. Even with the current expanding population and development of the area, we are fortunate to find back roads and bikeways which offer safe, viable riding routes and wonderful Florida views.

Memorial Day riders

Regularly scheduled rides and activities meet the wide riding interests and abilities of members. All year we celebrate the joy of bicycling while safety is a priority and fitness is a motivator. Fun and friendship are prized.

  • Club Riding 101 tutorial rides are held during the “Season” for riders to learn proper group riding and safe riding practices.
  • Ride Leader/Sweep Training is taught to ensure a wide range of pace and distances are available to members.
  • Monthly Meetings are held during the "Season" and include lively, entertaining presentations.
  • Social and special events are held throughout the year -- the Pasta Bash, Withlacoochee Trail Ride, Holiday Party, Memorial Ride, Century Ride, Sunset Social, and occasional cafe stops either midway or after rides.
  • The Pasta Bash Ride is held annually in November and draws over 100 riders from South Florida to ride the World’s Flattest Metric Century (62 miles), a Fun-in-the-Sun Half Metric (30 miles), or a Calm and Cool Quarter Metric (15 miles). This event includes a social get-together, door prizes, a Tee shirt, a variety of snacks at the rest stop, and SAG support.
  • The Withlacochee State Trail is a 46-mile-long Rails-to-Trails project located in scenic Inverness, Florida. Club members enjoy two days of riding and camaraderie. Many members achieve personal best distances.
  • The Memorial Ride is traditionally held early in the calendar year. It honors our Club’s deceased members and celebrates what they would wish us to do - ride, eat, socialize, and have fun!
  • Technical Training Sessions offer instruction in pre-ride check lists, tire changing, and general maintenance.

Discounts - Participating bike shops in the area offer a 10% discount on parts and accessories to
club members.

Liability and Medical insurance cover all members during club rides.


Not sure our club is right for you? Just visiting the area?   We encourage guests to “try us out” for one ride. Complete the waiver information online prior to the ride. Locate the ride starter before the ride and communicate your ride preferences so that you can join the proper riding group.

Coastal Cruisers ride tenets:

  • Wear a helmet
  • Obey all Florida traffic laws
  • Carry personal ID & emergency number
  • Do not use headphones or other listening devices (other than a hearing aid)
  • Ride single file, unless traffic conditions allow for two abreast
  • Use arm & voice signals to indicate your intended movements, e.g., slowing, turning right, passing on the left, moving into line, dropping back
  • Use arm and voice signals to warn of approaching hazards, e.g., holes, sand, trash barrels, walkers/runners, parked car, car backing up, dog approaching, debris
  • Only the sweep indicates when a left turn is safe from the rear and only then do all riders repeat this to the ride leader.
  • Use voice signals to warn of vehicles or bikes approaching from the rear  
  • Do not indicate to another biker or to a car that it is “all clear” to proceed thru an intersection
  • Move off the road when stopped

Have fun!!

Social Hour Group Photo